Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm Thankful For.....yikes..

I'm thankful for a lot of things this year-friends, family and food included, the three F's. And I suppose I'm thankful for my classmates as well. The group that I sit in makes class fun and interesting and I'm not afraid to share my opinions with them when doing group work or peer editing.
          I'm thankful for Kayla because she's always willing to share her kindle with me when I forget my book. She's really funny and makes me laugh whenever she gives attitude to Keduse. I also enjoy reading her writing and hearing what she has to say during group work. Though usually when doing group work we spend ten minutes on each question because we can't always agree on the answers (this is usually Keduse's fault).
          I'm thankful for Kyla because she's really good at bsing the answer to a question that we haven't answered as a group yet. She's really talkative and keeps the conversation going when we seem to hit a dead end. Plus Kyla brings food and shares it with Keduse so that keeps him quiet for a little while. (Funny how these things keep coming back to Keduse, huh?) She has a great sense of humor and I know that even when we argue about the answer to something we can walk away from it still friends.
         I guess I'm thankful for Keduse too sometimes. I think he shared his book with me that one time. And sometimes he makes a funny joke. Nah, Keduse is actually pretty okay. Even if the only reason he's in this blog is because he threatened me. He's really smart, unfortunately, and more than often we actually get along pretty well. He also makes class enjoyable because it's easy to annoy him and get him  all flustered. (Sorry buddy)
        As I said, I'm thankful for a lot of things this Thanksgiving. And my English II classmates definitely make the list.

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