Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is an American?

America the brave, America the true. America the free land. America is home to the independent and strong, the hardworking and the leading people. America the power country, right?
       Or I suppose you could look to the other extreme. Those fat, lazy Americans. Those gun toting, hard headed Americans, eating their McDonald's and dropping out of high school.
       But no matter which stereotype you turn to, whether it be honorable or shameful, it's just not true. I know a lot of hardworking people who earned their land and built their house by hand. But they'd turn someone away from work because of their sexual orientation. Or walk to the other sidewalk because someone of a different skin color is passing by. I know a lot of people who are in bad living situations or money situations and can't find work because of their lack of a high school diploma. And yet a smile seems to find its way onto their faces and they treat everyone they meet with great respect.
       "America the brave"; sure it's easy to be brave when you know that the "fear" you're facing is made up or twisted into something its not. "America the true" as if we're told the truth about what happens behind the colors and costumes that politicians put up. As if we know the real reasons why wars are started and how people are repeatedly elected when all they've done is drag us down. "America the free land"? Teenagers are profiled and pulled aside and questioned by police in the middle of a street because of their skin color and the assumption that kids walking in groups must be up to gang activity. Is that freedom? The government has the right (I use this term loosely) and ability to tap into our phones, computers, our lives if we're suspected of any kind of criminal activity. Suspected, not charged. Is that freedom? No, but it sure is all about the power.
       I can also safely say that I haven't a McDonald's meal in about eleven years. I don't stuff my face with fast food everyday. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I eat terribly healthy food but I take care of myself. I don't like guns. I don't like violence. I don't like war. I don't like the idea of children roaming the streets packing heat but I definitely don't assume that every black, sixteen-year-old guy is. I plan on finishing high school and going to college. College was never really a question for me but I suppose that just shows what kind of environment for me. I don't think it shows what kind of person you are if you don't finish school. That's just one part of your life and shouldn't be used to judge your intelligence or personality.
       I guess what I'm trying to say is that there isn't a one thing that makes someone an American. There are all these values and characteristics that are used to describe Americans but if you take a step back, you could use them for almost anyone. In the end I don't think there's a way you can take a whole nation and fit it under one category. In the end we're all human and our humanity is the only thing we all have in common.

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